About Us

My name is David Maddocks, owner of Concord Deep Tissue Massage.

Although massage therapy is what I deliver to my clients, my brand of therapy is a little different. I have discovered over the course of 20 years as a professional LMT, that the general public fails to incorporate stretching into their daily routines. I help them to understand the importance of stretching by combing it with massage therapy, especially deep tissue. Massage alone can and will resolve many issues, but when performed in concert with stretching, the results can be even more rewarding. This is especially true when employed at joints heavily overworked – the shoulders and hips, for example, and in areas where a lot of tension accumulates – the low back and neck for instance. In such places, trigger points (or TPs) can be found, those pesky “knots” we feel causing soreness and sometimes pain. These TPs inhibit the muscles in which they’re found by limiting their full potential, creating discomfort, less flexibility and mobility, leading to reduced range of motion (ROM). During my sessions, I will use the combo of massage and stretching, and if necessary, assimilate other practical techniques such as pin-and-stretch, acupressure, traction, and a host of others. The concept is the maneuvering of the muscles themselves helps to “smooth out” or rid the muscle of the TP. The end result is muscles free of any tension and other inhibiting factors. The muscle works the way it should and the ROM at the joint is fully restored. It is a style of therapy very popular with my clientele. I think you will find it very beneficial and worthwhile.

Please come to Concord Deep Tissue Massage for an entirely different but highly effective and unique experience. You will emerge a brand new you !

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