Get Guidance and Assistance for Proper Stretching

Count on us for assisted stretching services in Concord, NH

If you'd like to achieve deeper and more effective stretching than you can do alone, reach out to Concord Deep Tissue Massage. We offer assisted stretching services in Concord, NH. We'll support, guide or actively help in the stretching process, benefiting you by improving your flexibility, increasing muscle circulation, reducing muscle tension and lowering stress.

Contact us today to schedule practitioner-assisted stretching services.

Learn more about our stretching assistance

We'll work with you closely during your assisted stretching session to make sure you get the most out of every stretch. When you come to us, we'll advise you to:

  • Stretch your muscle to a comfortable limit
  • Tense the muscle for ten to 15 seconds
  • Relax and then stretch again, usually achieving a greater range of motion

Call us now at 315-727-2320 to arrange for practitioner-assisted stretching services.

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